Monday, February 22, 2010

~February 22, 2002~ Tiffani Raye Gwyn~ 7lbs 3oz 19in.

Happy Birthday my sweet little Tiffani!! Today you are "8" years old and I can't believe how fast the time has gone. You have grown up so much in the last couple years that I just selfishly wish that I could keep you little forever.
July 5th, 2001 I found out that I was pregnant with you. I was so happy to find out that Emilee was going to be a big sister and that we were going to welcome a new little bundle of joy to the family.
I had a very great pregnancy with you, that is until they told me that I had developed gestational diabetes and that I couldn't drink my wonderful caffeine free Pepsi anymore. I was otherwise very healthy and had very little discomfort.
I worked the entire time I was pregnant with you and you were a busy busy little baby inside my tummy. I remember the day that I went to the doctor to do an ultrasound, they took pictures of you in my belly and then asked me if I wanted to know the sex of my baby...for a short moment I thought about how cool it would be to wait and just be surprised when you got here, but I had so much to much to get ready. I told her I wanted to know....and suspensfully she are the toes, here are the legs, this is the spine, and this here is her bottom...."HER?" Her bottom, did I hear her, "Girl?". "Yes." she said, "It's a girl!!" I cried, your grandma Sandi cried and we then all laughed. I thought that for sure you were a boy because you were bouncing around in there like crazy ever since you were big enough for me to feel you.
I was so excited to tell Emilee that she was going to be a big sister to a baby girl! This was going to be so much FUN, dressing them alike, doing their hair the same and color coordinating everything, I was sure you girls would despise me before you were 10. I was so elated that I can't even express into words how wanted you were, and how happy we were that you picked us as your family! Thank you for that!!
It was getting closer to your due date and I went to the doctor more often and on February 21st, 2001 They has asked me to stay after my appointment because they wanted to monitor you, my blood pressure was a little high, and because I has already hypertensive they wanted to check it out and make sure that it wasn't that big of a deal. Well come to find out, it wasn't okay. My blood pressure was too high and they wanted me to go to the hospital. They told me that I could run home take Emilee to Grandma, pack my things and then go to the hospital. They were supposed to monitor me overnight and if my blood pressure went down then great, otherwise they were going to do an amniocentesis to see how well your lungs were developed. You weren't due for about 5 weeks, so they wanted to make sure that if you were making your entrance into the world that your lungs were in good shape.
I remember driving back to the hospital after I took care of my business at home, I was driving with my window down and I was in the parkade at the hospital...I smelled brand new tires, it was something that, the entire time I was pregnant with you I craved, I would go to a place called Les Schwab and walk around so that I could smell the fresh new rubber...and thinking of it makes me wish that I could smell it right now.
Their objective was to observe me overnight and if all was well then I could go home, being diabetic, pre-eclampsic and just all around high risk at this point they just wanted what was best for the both of us. I went in and was put into a room, it was so lonely in there, all by myself not knowing if everything was ok. I was nervous and scared but I couldn't wait to meet my baby. They told me that even though I was not scheduled to deliver for over a month that you could be pretty big because of my diabetes. That you would come out pretty big and then lose a lot of weight. That was another reason that they thought that they should take you, they thought that you would be about 10 pounds even now.
I stayed all night, in the cold white room, and first thing in the morning the doctor told me that they were going to do the amnio and check my fluid levels before making their decision. The nurse that did that test, was shocked that she couldn't even find a big enough pocket of fluid to do the test. They said the lungs would probably be pretty good considering there wan't even any more room in there for her to grow. This is when they decided that today would be the day! My little girl was coming, and I was ready to meet her.
Today would be the day, whether I was ready or not, here you were coming!! They told me that we were scheduled in OR2 at 5:00 and that someone would come in about 4pm to get me ready. Auntie Kim came and brought me Jelly Belly's and Grandma came down to be with me too! The doctors and the rest of the family had all started a betting pool about how big they thought that you would be because I was so big! There wasn't a number less than 9lbs on that paper!! Even your doctor thought that you were going to be 10 lbs.
Time came for us to welcome you here, and although my OR experience is something rather scary, and it made me very anxious at 5:30 pm the doctor held you up over a sea of blue paper and said, "Here she is!" Oh my goodness....she is so SMALL...we thought for sure, everyone did....she is so little. AND her HAIR, there is so much of it and it's curly....Tears, and laughter and emotions ran high in that little room. There were so many risks I was running, and with you being 5 weeks early they wanted to check you out good so they actually took you out into the Neonatal intensive care unit to get you some formula because your blood sugar was too low.
They had fixed me up after my C-section and had taken me to the recovery room where I waited for you so patiently.
Then, Auntie Kim came in with you...There she was holding you, so tiny, so sweet, so pretty. She said that you drank 15cc's of formula because you were so hungry. She brought you to me so that I could nurse you and for 45 minutes straight, you ate.... You were so beautiful. You had perfect little everything's, MY BABY...Little Tiffani Raye....
You were so tiny though..when they finally weighed you, you had already ate some formula but still the verdict was in...7lbs 3oz...WHAT? She was supposed to be huge... Pretty tiny to me.. although we weren't expecting you to come for another month you were pretty small, Emilee weighed 8lbs 10oz when she was born so I was completely ready to accept the fact that you would be bigger.
There was a lot of PHOTO drama that day... There were 2 people taking person video recording and 2 of the three had no film or tape in their camera's....the third person...had film...but CUT your head off in every picture because she was trying to look at you without looking through the little window in the camera. I was so upset, the ONLY picture that I have of you..the day you were born is the one here in black and white where Auntie and Grandma Sandi have their hands on you checking you out. The only one that you can actually see your face in. I was devastated. I mark all milestones with hundreds of pictures, what I horrible mother I will be when you ask me why I have so many of Emilee when she was born and I have ONE of you....just know that I tried and it was an accident and trust me no matter what even though I don't have but one picture to hold of you the day you were born....that the image in my mind is perfectly priceless and something that I will never ever forget.
You lost a lot of weight in the hospital, when we finally went home about 6 days later, you only weighed 5lbs even. They told me that you would lose weight though, because it was just sugar weight....That you would drop the sugar fat, and then slowly start gaining again. It took you awhile but before we knew it, you had your little rolls on you and you were "Rolly Polly Raisin"
When I brought you home, your sister was so mad at me, I left her for days....just left her with Grandma and she only could visit me at the hospital for little bits at a time. She was very very jealous of you. She thought that for sure you were sent here from another planet to take her mother away. It took her some getting used to... It's 2010 now... don't worry she'll get there someday we hope :)
You were the easiest baby in the never cried...ever. You were an excellent sleeper and you were a very well adapted little lady. Your sister on several occasions tried dragging you into the stuffed animals in her room because she wanted you to "play " with you. I was just sure that everything was going to be great with you would be great friends. You were such a serious baby. You never smiled at anyone. No joke, you were a analyzed everything and with such a serious face, even a little scowl at times. You would laugh for no one but your sister and your mommy. A smile that lit your entire face up, your eyebrows, your ears, everything just lit up when you smiled.
You still love to smile today, you are still such a happy girl. Always so sweet, so helpful. I think it is crazy how much you like to do chores and help out with the "Mommy things", You offer to do them, and I can't literally pay your sister to do it with a smile. You and Emilee are like day and night, my two little girls with such different likes, and opinions. It makes for some eventful days to say the least. You are such a girly girl, you love"Nake-UP" you called it that for years.
You love everything, you are so positive and so happy and I can't think of a day that you haven't had a smile on your face. You like to play games with your sister and you like to learn wrestling moves with your daddy. Your favorite and signature move is the elbow smash. You can throw a pretty mean elbow. Today you turn 8 and I can't believe it, you were just 2. You were just in kindergarten.. You're now in the 2nd grade. Time surely does fly...I hope that you have a wonderful birthday Tiffani...I know that you refuse to eat a store bought cake on your birthday and I wouldn't be surprised if you only made the choice of having homemade cakes to make me feel special...if that is the case, it worked. This year you chose yellow cake with raspberry flavor and a cream cheese frosting. I will also add a little raspberry filling. You are a wonderful person Tiffani and you will be such a great friend to anyone that deserves your friendship and I am so proud that you are my daughter. You have filled my heart with joy and made my job as Doctor, Secretary, Chef, Writer, Seamstress, House cleaner, Chauffeur, and the best of all "Mommy" so very rewarding and I love you so much. Happy Birthday Sweetheart, May your Day be filled with everything Happy and may you get everything in life your heart desires....We love you lots...Love, Mommy, Daddy and Emilee.....Your Family.....


  1. I love reading baby stories! This was so sweet. I've even got goosebumps cuz I could just imagine it all happening as I read it. Happy Happy Birthday Miss Tiffani, hope your day is wonderful!!! :)

  2. WOW what an experience! So scary but so exciting! Happy birthday miss Tiffani!

  3. Thanks ladies! It was very nice of you to wish Tiffani a Happy Birthday.
